Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteinConservation ResearchThe Fall Sourcebook is HereDirectly from the field, the Fall 2024 NRI Sourcebook is here — each year, we publish a digital collection of the recently published…3d ago3d ago
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteAgriLife Today: Millions of bats call Texas home sweet homeSeparating fact from fiction about this fascinating flying mammal3d ago3d ago
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteinLand StewardshipNew SERPPAS publication provides overview of living shoreline permitting and regulatory reviewIn a new publication, “Overview of Living Shoreline Permitting and Regulatory Review in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi,”…Oct 16Oct 16
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteExtension Publication released on Feral Pigs and Disease ConcernsCollege Station — The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute (NRI) released a new publication titled “ Disease Concerns Associated with…Oct 16Oct 16
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteFarm and ranch lands program safeguards millions in water conservation, flood prevention and ag…The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute released the 2024 evaluation report today for the Texas Farm and Ranch Lands Conservation Program…Oct 11Oct 11
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteinConservation ResearchBighorn Sheep Relocation in Sonora, MexicoMountain sheep (spp.) abundance across North America has declined more than 60% from historic times due to factors such as overgrazing…Oct 1Oct 1
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteSawdust Magazine: Q&A with Dr. Roel LopezA force in the natural resource conservation realm in Texas and beyondSep 26Sep 26
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteLone Star Healthy Streams workshop set August 13th in WallisvilleA Lone Star Healthy Streams workshop will be held on August 13 that White’s Park Community Center/Chambers County Community Center, 222…Jul 29Jul 29
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteinLand StewardshipNFWF Announces Record $33.5 Million in Conservation Grants to Restore Longleaf Pine HabitatSupporting rural communities, this largest grant slate in program history will impact more than 500,000 acres of longleaf pine habitat…Jul 25Jul 25
Texas A&M Natural Resources InstituteinLand TrendsNRI Scientists Mentor Youth in the Norman Borlaug Youth in Agriculture ProgramThe lived experiences of urban and rural Texans are often vastly different — whether culturally, ecologically, or economically — but our…Jul 19Jul 19