America’s Longleaf releases the 2021 range-wide accomplishments report


America’s Longleaf released the new 2021 Range-wide Accomplishment Report showcasing a landmark year and the success of tireless efforts across the 9-state historic range to bring back longleaf pine.

Together we established more than 135,000 acres of new longleaf, implemented prescribed fire on more than 1.6 million acres, and protected 54,000 acres of land in 2021. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the support of private and public landowners and federal, state, and private partners.

From telling the longleaf story to working on a prescribed fire to improving the quality of longleaf habitat, every action is meaningful, adding up to the numbers you see in this report and keeping the efforts of America’s Longleaf marching forward. As the conservation community looks to partner more with the business community in solving our world’s greatest environmental challenges, our greatest challenge lies in communicating the value of nature and the cost of losing these important resources.

Read more from the Longleaf Partnership Council Chair and to see the dynamic impacts this team has made in the last year. Download the full report here and visit the Longleaf website!



Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute

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